
Questions and Answers: Holiday Sweets

Toni S. wrote to me and asks:
Hi what can I do for my sweet tooth party at work not sure if I can aviod the cake????? Can I bake something with almond meal on p2????????????

My reply to her may help you, too, in case you're encountering similar circumstances:
On P2, you're sort of stuck with just stevia for curbing the sweet tooth. Mostly what your body is craving when it wants sweets is the magnesium that some sweets (the ones women typically want, chocolatey). So, try getting some magnesium supplements and taking those a couple of days in advance of the party.

Be sure to get some different flavors of stevia to try out. My favorites are Tofee, Dark Chocolate, and French Vanilla. Add them to tea or drink them all by themselves and you'll get the sense of being spoiled.

I recently tried a *great* egg nog tea from the grocery store. It's a seasonal thing, so you'll only find it now, in November-December. It doesn't have any of the calories or fat that real egg nog has, but it did taste remarkably similar to it! I'd brew up a *big* cup (20 ounces) of that before the party, add about 10 drops of French Vanilla stevia to it and bring it with me. Here's what the package looks like and my review of it: http://lessofmehcg.blogspot.com/2009/10/p3-t-6-days-winter-tea-phase-2-too.html

The other thing you ought to do is make sure to drink as much water as you can hold just before the party. That way, you're just too full to bother with eating anything. It's an old trick and it's been around for so long for the simple reason that it works. :)

So, drink gobs of water, make your tea (or some White Dark Cocoa - http://lessofmehcg.blogspot.com/2009/09/not-feeling-that-creative.html) and take your magnesium supplements. You should be able to come out of this party successfully *and* be able to pat yourself on the back for doing such a great job... Remember that it's easy to put a morsel into your mouth, but it'll stop weight release for *days.* One morsel will not only cause a gain, but you'd also be paying for it for days, too.

Lastly, *IF* you do cheat, just remind yourself that you had other choices, maybe review those choices, and then move on. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP over it. YOU are the what's important here and you're giving yourself the gifts of health, happiness, and the satisfaction of a job well done.


You can do it!


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