
Quantum Touch

If something happens to you, like a car accident or similar, normally you'd go straight to the chiropractor and massage therapist. During Phase II, though, you can't do that and keep releasing weight. Quantum Touch might be your answer here. Hands on healing has been around for, I think, about as long as humans have. But you want to know something? It's not just for the elite or those who are "born with it." You can do it, too.

Here's their site: http://www.quantumtouch.com/
And here's a few videos I found to get you going. Don't over think it - it's really quite easy...

1 comment:

  1. I read P&I. Of course, I decided to go a different way, but I noticed that prohibition of massage therapy. In the context of the paragraph, I think that what Simeons was nay-saying was obesity massage, not therapeutic massage. Some people claim that massage can aid in weight loss. The focus and techniques of those types of massage is very different from the aims myofacial release or other treatment modalities or even of relaxation massage.
