
Letter to Dr. Oz

Hi Dr. Oz,

I've watched two of your programs that highlight weight. One of the shows had three ladies who were supporting each other and looking at "real ages." The other is today, with the lady who lost 100 pounds after she hit 275#s.

Myself, I'm finishing up my first "round" of the HCG diet. I got up to 332# before I found it. I tried Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers... just about everything. Nothing worked. I had already gotten to the point where I just accepted that I was going to be fat. I stopped taking airplanes because the seats were too little. I didn't like going to the movies because the seat was too small for my behind (or, rather, my behind was too big for the seat!).

The HCG Protocol, in short, is a miracle in my life. I used the homeopathic version of it, as I don't like needles. It seemed very difficult & complicated to begin with, but as I went through it, it turned out to be easy. I decided to keep a blog about the process. I figured that I would either succeed or fail with everyone on the internet to be my witnesses. My mom, who was doing the protocol with me (to support me as much as to release weight), and I made up a whole bunch of recipes and posted them to my blog.

My results after the first round (55 days of taking HCG) are a 47# release. I am now at 285#. I don't really see the difference, however, others are. I plan to do my next "round" right after January 1, 2010. I figure I should be able to release another 50 pounds or so. I'll be 100# lighter in 5 months. My skin, by the way, is also sucking back in, rather than being loose and flabby, like a lot of people who lose a lot of weight.

I just performed a search about HCG on your site. All that returned was in reference to getting pregnant. I feel like I need you to know about this "obesity cure," as so many people watch your show. It needs to be addressed and examined.

Thank you,

~Jayme T Hunt

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