
Going out today

So, we're planning to head out this afternoon for some yard saling and the Hood River Fly-In, which is an event where antique airplanes are displayed. It means that we won't be home this evening for dinner, though, so I've got to do a little planning.

I thought I could just go to SubWay and order a "salad" of all tomatoes or cucumbers along with one of their broiled chicken breasts, but I've not yet done my research and want to make sure that I'd be staying on the protocol. I also considered just going to the store and purchasing some cottage cheese & veggies, take a little flavoring, a pocket knife and eat on the fly. Not so great for getting that "meal" feeling, though. Of course, that's also how I used to eat - just on the fly and what ever I could grab.

In the end I decided to do shrimp. They're easy to transport and taste good hot or cold. And shrimp, regardless of the surroundings you eat them in, are considered on some level a decadent meal. :) Obviously, that's a psychological thing. Hehehehe.

So, here's the sharesies on the recipe for the shrimp:

Dilly Garlic Shrimps (90 calories)
100g shrimp (90 calories)
1/4t butter flavor (see my store if you don't have any!)
1/4t garlic powder
1/2t Braggs' Liquid Aminos
1/4t dill weed
a shake or two of pepper
Place shrimp in center of 8" foil. Lay them out so they're not touching, then sprinkle butter flavor evenly over them. Then sprinkle garlic powder evenly. Then add Braggs', trying to cover each shrimp (but don't worry about it if you don't). Over all that, spread dill weed then top with pepper. Close the foil over the shrimp, forming a little pocket and toss in the toaster oven at 350* for about 10 minutes.

I'll be sure to take pictures when we're out and about to add later, but for now, it just looks like a little foil pocket. You can't even see the shrimp yet. ::grins:: I'm putting it into a glass pyrex container and into an insulated lunch bag to keep warm. Hopefully, they'll stay warmish.

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