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Cello lesson tomorrow

I am soooo not ready for my lesson tomorrow. My fingers are only just getting repaired from lack of oil. Ugh. AND.

I still have one more day of 500 calories. Tomorrow. One more leaving-the-house-so-you-gotta-figure-out-how-to-eat-while-you're-gone day.

Don't get me wrong. 42# is a great number to ditch in less than two months and I like how I look in the mirror. Even naked! :) But the whole you-gotta-figure-out-how-to-eat-while-you're-gone stuff really is not pleasant. Maybe my next contest should be easy-to-take-with-you recipes. When you go out to eat, especially without hcg drops to help stave off the desire to eat, it's *awful!* I'm so ready to EAT! I FEEL LIKE I'M STARVING!

Actually, at 500 calories without hcg, I think I technically am. Aren't I?


Aren't I?
Ah, well. I guess a day or two of hunger pains isn't going to kill me. At least I get a piece of Dubliner cheese right before I go to bed tomorrow! WoooHoo!

Yah. My alter-ID is Wallace from Wallace and Grommet. Cheeeeeeesssseeee! I'd go to the moon for a piece of cheese, too. ::grins:: Anyone wanna join me?

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I love Wallace and Grommet! :)

    As you know, I thought 500 calories a day WAS too close to starvation rations, so I'm doing 1,000 ... and still losing a ton of weight!


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