
New E-Publishing Company

I've found a new publishing company for the e-book!  It takes the price from $25 down to $15.  The old place only offered pdf format and was costly.  It was limited and I knew it, but I also didn't really know what to do about it, either.

The new e-publishing place is SO wonderful!  Here's what it offers us (that YOU and I, not just me):
  1. Multiple formats (for kindle, ipad, nook, android, smart phones, as well as PDF)
  2. Lower prices!
  3. Higher royalty percentage (which means I'll have more money to fund my tests and can keep this site going)
  4. Ability to update the book and email everyone who owns a copy of it!
  5. Publishing in-progress books (You know that maintenance book I've been working on but am still waiting for some testing results to come in on?  I can publish what I've got, then update everyone who purchases the book when I *do* get the results in.)
  6. Ability to publish the whole blog to those other formats, too, and in chronological order so you don't have to scroll all the way to the end to read the blog as it progressed through time.

I thought just the first two things were fantastic, but when you add those last four things on it, too, I think you can see why I went with this new e-publishing spot.  I don't know how to make it so everyone who already owns a copy can get in on this too, though.  I *am* working on it, though.  :)  It'll probably be slow, but I'll get there.

For now, I've moved over the PDF version.  I'm working on the other formats today and hope to get those done very soon (say, by the end of the weekend or so)...  If you want it for your Kindle, Nook, iPad, or Smartphone, (or you think you might be interested in one of those formats eventually) be sure to wait to buy it from the new place, k?

Now.  If I could just find something similar (or a publishing agent who wants to publish large scale) in the world of hard copy books!

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