
My test results

From my test yesterday, I've dropped yet another 3# (3.2# each time, for precision). There was only one day between the two drops - where I ate pretty much whatever I wanted to eat, too.

I'm still awaiting the results from friends who volunteered to test with me (they're all in P3 or P4) and I'm quite excited to see their results! If the test results for me are 3# loss both times, it makes me wonder about continued release in P3/P4. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to get to 260 before I start my next round! If I can get there, I'd be able to release another 50# in P2 and be at 210 by my birthday, February 27th. Now that's impressive. Really impressive. Especially if you consider I started at 332# the end of August. That'd be ... ::think, think, think:: 122# in 5 months.

I'd plan to do this every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, but the other days would be free reign. Of course, I'd keep things under control - no running out to eat at restaurants every meal or anything crazy like that, but still. It's intriguing that I might be able to get almost the same results from doing this test that I'd get doing the VLCD and HCG; most interesting and intriguing. The main benefit from the HCG round, of course, would be the stability and reset of the hypothalamus once I got to the other side.

Maybe I need to just follow the every other day thing until I get down to 180#, then do a second round of HCG so my hypothalamus is completely reset at the weight I get to at the end of that second round.

Hmm. It'll certainly depend on the results I get from continuing this little test, but it's worth a shot!


  1. i'm interested to see how this works out! great!

  2. Hi Im on P3 would be interested in trying this test please send me info thx

  3. Hi Pamela,

    I tried to get your email from your profile, but it's not public. I am looking for about another 5 people to test this out with us... Since you're interested, will you please email me so I can reply with the parameters of the test? lessofmehcg@gmail.com



  4. I want to do the test! I am really struggling doing a steak day every 2 to 3 days.
