
Nummy Treat!

I just enjoyed parmasean popcorn. The first bowl of it since the end of August...

What? You've not tried it??

You're missing out.

Pop up a bowl of popcorn. Drizzle 1/4c REAL butter over the popcorn, then shake Kraft Parmesean all over that. Toss so the butter gets coated with parmesean and make sure you've got a good movie already lined up!


  1. Oh my delicious!! I cannot WAIT until I can try this!!!!

  2. Oh my YUMMM!!! I can't wait to eat popcorn again. (in moderation of course..ha!)

  3. If only I liked popcorn! Congrats on the book - it looks superb... I am a week away from Phase III... how about a cookbook for that?
