
100 recipes DONE

Now all I've got to do is get my intro done up and and get the book over to the publishers! What a task! We've actually got several more ideas for recipes - perhaps that'll be 100 MORE Recipes to keep you on Phase II of HCG?



  1. This is so awesome! I love reading your blog. Do you still get your HCG from Tami? I emailed and got no response. I've had so many people ask me about this program, and several friends are going to do it. I really appreciate insight and ideas....... I can send them here when I don't have what they need!!!! THANKS

  2. congrats! You are doing extremely well! keep me posted and we'll make sure we get your book out to all those in need!

    http://www.pounds-and-inches.com - FREE HCG Diet Info.

  3. Thanks Susan & Jason!

    Yes, Susan, I'm still buying from Tami. She's moving her office this weekend/early week and I just told her (on the phone) that you've emailed her requesting info, too. Calling is the best way to get hold of her right now. :) You can see her phone number just under my Tracker in the menu to the left... OR 541.386.7328

    @Jason, Thank you for the encouragement and I'll let you know as soon as it's available... I think I'm going to go with Lulu and Etsy for now, until I find a publisher and agent willing to pick the book up. Until then, it'll be just me peddling my own book. ::grins:: Kind of like my blog - it's just me, letting others know that it exists and there's recipes here!
