
Tool 4 You: Journaling Privately

Not everyone wants to publish their weight and "fat pictures" the way I do here on the Less of Me blog. I understand that. In fact, my Mom doesn't want to let the world know her details when she joins me in January. It's not the worlds' business. :)

However, there's GREAT benefits of reading your past thoughts and feelings while you follow Dr. Simeon's HCG Protocol and I encourage you to write those thoughts down for yourself. There's a new site out (still in beta) that is, by default, private. It's called Penzu. You can still share information with individuals OR with the whole web. But. You have to explicitly tell Penzu that you want to share because the site keeps your thoughts hush-hush and only for you otherwise.

If you look at the image of the interface, it shows that you can either email your entry to people or you can click on "Public Link" and share with everyone. That's handy, as you might have recipes you're willing to share, but not the details of how you are doing (inches, pounds, pictures).

You can even add ULTRA security for $29 a year. The proceeds of the purchase are "donated to global charities that improve literacy." That's pretty nice of them! All in all, I like this option. If I decided, in the beginning, that I wanted to keep things to myself, I probably would have gone with this method. As it is, I think I'll keep posting in the public eye, just because my bravery benefits so many people and I rather enjoy that aspect of it.

My pictures and details *are* embarassing to me. But you know what? It's the reality I created. Now I'm creating a new reality. Someone needs to share how to do it!

It may as well be me.

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