
P3, Day 11: Tahini Salad Dressing recipe

Tahini* Salad Dressing
3T mayo
2t Tahini
1t soy sauce
1/2t apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper
Mix together completely and set aside. It should be *really* thick.
*Note: Tahini is a sesame butter. We use raw tahini, but you could use roasted tahini, too. You might find it in the Oriental section of your Safeway. But we've seen it more often in the natural foods section.

Now, make your salad:
Salad mix
GOOD cheese (ex. romano, sharp chedder, parmasean)
Toss together salad mix, onion, tomatoes, & avacado. Put the salad mix on your plate. Fry up your chicken and cook completely then add a few mushrooms, but don't cook the mushrooms - just warm them up. Transfer your chicken/mushroom to the top of your salad, sprinkle a little grated cheese on top and sprinkle with almonds. Top with the Tahini dressing and enjoy!

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