
Unprepared for lunch

Today, I was so busy answering questions on Facebook about what I'm doing on this diet, that I found myself unprepared for lunch. So, we had the easy-peasy luncheon of cauliflower with ranch cottage cheese dipping sauce. It's 150 calories, 170 with the grissini stick and wonderfully satisfying. :)

I have news! This morning when I weighed myself, I was down another four pounds - that's a whopping 22 pounds in 8 days.

My poor Mom has been sitting at the same weight now for the last four days. I think I'd be discouraged, but she's a real trouper and has been through diets before. Personally, I've not dieted for the majority of my life. I've worked to get healthy, and, other than this last little hurdle (weight), I am healthy. I figured that it didn't make any sense to do any of those diets - they didn't work for other people, why on earth would they work for me? The definition of sanity, according to Ben Franklin, is to do the same thing over and over expecting different results. I take it a little further and say that insanity includes doing the same things that other people have tried over and over, expecting different results for no reason.

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