
Recipe Contest!!

We're having a Recipe Contest!!

One recipe from two different categories, Main Dish and Desert, will be selected as the winning recipes. The lucky people who dreamed up the recipes each win a 2 fl. oz. bottle of hCG from a company in Oregon!! We start taking recipes NOW, so put on your thinking caps and make your taste buds get into gear for the best recipe you can come up with. Email them to LessOfMeHCG at gmail dot com by October 15, 2009 and then watch here for the winners to be announced!

Please be sure to read through the directions in the Rules & Awards section, as it calls out what foods can be used and the calorie count for each food. Good luck and I hope you make our taste buds SING!

Rules & Awards

Two Grand Prizes only: One 2 fl. oz. bottle of hCG to a single winner of each category.

Entries must be submitted before Midnight on October 15, 2009. Results of this contest will be published on the Less of Me blog on October 30, 2009.

Submission entry outline:
Email submission to LessOfMe at gmail dot com.
email address
Title of Recipe (# calories)
Ingredients in order of use
Preparation instructions
Entrants notes (optional)

Main Dishes

Allowed foods:
Foods allowed in each recipe are pretty strict, so here's an overview of them:

Per meal:
1 vegetable
1 100g meat
1 fruit
1 grissini (they're more like bread pencils, but about twice as long as a pencil)

Each meal is 250 calories. The meat, breadstick, and fruit calories are added up then subtracted from the 250 allowed and the rest is consumed in the vegetable.

Spices (any spice) are allowed in any amounts.
1 T milk, if desired.
Juice of 1 lemon, if desired.
Celtic Sea Salt is the only salt allowed.
Sweet Leaf Stevia is the only sweetener allowed.
1 T tomato paste
Miracle Noodles

Meats allowed in quantities of 100g only (and calories)
Buffalo 100
Chicken Breast 110
Steak 140
Extra Lean Ground Beef 215
Roast Beef 150
Veal 100
Lobster 95
Crab 55
Shrimp 90
Sea Bass 120
Flounder 110
Halibut 100
Sole 120
Fat Free Cottage Cheese 90

Veggies allowed (and calories/serving)
2 c Asparagus 62
2 c Bean Sprouts 46
2 c Beet Greens 46
1 c Broccoli 50
2 c Cabbage 35
1 c Cauliflower 50
2 c Celery 38
2 c Chard 14
1 c Chicory Greens 41
2 c Cucumbers 29
1 1/2 c Fennel 40
2 c Lettuce 16
1 Mushroom 3
2 c Radishes 46
2 c Spinach 13
1 c String Beans 53
1 c Summer Squash 31
1 c Tomatoes 65
1 c Watercress 4
1 c Onions (white, yellow, red) 61
1 c Zucchini 20

Fruits allowed (and calories/serving)
1 medium Apple 80
1/4 Cantalope 48
1/2 Grapefruit 40
1 Navel Orange 60
1/2 cup Raspberries 32
6 Strawberries 28

Each entry must include:
Less of Me Registration Form completed in full.
Original recipe including all ingredients and their exact measurements
Complete preparation and cooking instructions
Color photo of completed dish
Your recipe must have an original name

Judging Criteria:
Taste: 25 points
Creativity/Originality: 25 points
In case of ties, the recipe with the highest score for taste will be declared the winner.
The selection of the winning recipe shall be made in the Judges' sole and absolute discretion. All decisions of the Judges shall be final.

The Fine Print:
By submitting a recipe to the Less of Me contest by emailing LessOfMeHCG at gmail dot com, Entrant is acknowledging that his/her recipe is original. All entries and all legal rights and interests in them, including the rights of copyright, become the exclusive joint property of the Event Organizers who reserve the right to edit, adapt, copyright, publish, transfer and use any or all of them, without compensation to you or any third party and will not be acknowledged or returned, or any portion thereof. Event Organizers reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change these Official Rules, adjust the dates herein or cancel the Cook-off.

The Event Organizers will disqualify previously published recipes including, without limitation, those that are the legal property of or are included on any restaurant menu, in any cookbook, magazine, from food companies, on food or recipe websites and entries in other recipe contests, unless the recipe features changes considered significant by the Event Organizers. Event Organizers reserve the right to assign recipe entries to the recipe category they deem appropriate.

By entering this Contest, each Entrant warrants that, (a) the Entrant has read, understood, and followed the Official Rules; (b) agrees to be bound by the decisions of the Event Organizers; and (c) the Entrant is eligible under these Contest Rules. Entrants agree to release and hold the Event Organizers, their related companies, agencies, and all others associated with the development and execution of this Contest harmless from any and all liability for personal injury, death, damages, and loss. This Contest shall be governed by Oregon law. By participating in this Contest, Entrants agree that (a) any and all disputed, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action and Oregon courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or litigation arising from or relating to this Contest and that venue shall be only in The Dalles, Oregon; (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Contest but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (c) under no circumstances will entrants be permitted to obtain, and Entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.


The Event Organizers are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information associated with or utilized in the Contest or by any technical or human error, which may occur in the processing of entries in the Contest. The Event Organizers assume no responsibility for any misdirected or lost entries, or any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries or entry data. If, for any reason, the Contest is not capable of running as planned, including tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, or any other causes beyond the control of the Event Organizers which affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest, then the Event Organizers reserve the right at their sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest.

Entrants agree that the Event Organizers, their parent, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, prize suppliers, advertising and promotion agencies, and their respective parent and affiliate companies, suppliers, printers, distributors, and the respective officers, managers, members, directors, employees, representatives and agents of each and any other person or entity related in any way to this Contest (collectively, the “Contest Entities”) will have no liability whatsoever for, and shall be held harmless by Entrants against, any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to persons, including death, or property damage resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, misuse or use of any prize, participation in this promotion, or while traveling to, preparing for or participating in the Cook-off or any related activity. The Contest Entities expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for injury or loss to any person or property in connection with the delivery and/or subsequent use of the Prize, or any portion thereof, awarded.

Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of any of the Contest; to be acting in violation of the Official Rules; or to be acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. CAUTION: ANY DELIBERATE ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY OF THE CONTEST IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, THE SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.

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