
Just found a bunch of free holiday recipes!

Thought I'd share - just be sure to check the Phase number next to the recipe title...


  1. Hi Jayme,
    I've enjoyed reading your blog for several months now. I've currently lost 76 lbs since last July and am on maintanance right now. I'm attempting to order drops from the link to Jason Hill but the site doesn't recognize the coupon code. Any suggestions?
    Datha Morgan, Texas

  2. Hi Janie!

    Congrats on your most excellent results!! Yae for you!!

    I just double checked with Jason, who tells me that's still current. You do have to go through and add all your contact info (be sure to select free shipping), then when he requests your email address, you enter the coupon code on that page. Enter it and click apply - you should be good to go!

