
Lunch Repeaters

We were still unprepared for lunch today so we had a repeat. I know, I know, we're Lunch Repeaters! Mom varied it with a bowl of fresh cherry tomatoes from our garden and added some spices to the shrimp, but it was very similar to yesterday. I suspect it's got something to do with lounging around enjoying tea all morning and the lunch hour sneaking up on us. I enjoyed a wonderful pot of Honeybush Vanilla tea (I use loose teas - they taste better).

Breakfast menu:

Honeybush Tea (0 calories)
1 T Honeybush Vanilla loose tea
10 drops Vanilla Stevia
Heat water just to the boiling point. Add tea and stevia to teapot, then add the water. Let steep for 5-10 minutes. Relax and enjoy the whole pot out on the deck while watching a green frog crawl up the side of your house.

Here's the lunch menu:

Better than Standard Cucumbers (58 calories)
4 cups cucumber
salt to taste (better than vinegar, I think!)
Add cucumbers to a bowl and toss with celtic sea salt (YUMMY). Enjoy whilest watching a pleasant movie like Miss Potter.

Balsamic Vinegar Cherry Tomatoes
2 cups cherry tomatoes
Balsamic Vinegar to taste
Add cherry tomatoes to a bowl and add enough balsamic vinegar so that it's precisely right for your tastebugs. (Yes... That's what taste buds are called when you're a 9 year old girl.) Allow to rest in the bowl for at least 10 minutes, then enjoy while lounging on the couch in front of a movie.

Spicy Braggs' Shrimp (90 calories)
100g shrimp (about 16)
Creole' seasoning
1T Braggs' Liquid Aminos
In semi-heated dry pan, add shrimp and pour Braggs' over shrimp; "fry" in Braggs' until shrimp are cooked.

And, let's not forget the sad and lonely bread stick, for 20 calories. :) I'll have to figure out a way to incorporate that into and be part of lunch, rather than be a side of lunch. Perhaps I'll just put that thought into my Mom's head and see what she stews up. She's wonderfully clever with food and most of my fondest memories begin with something that she made in the kitchen. That's probably why I'm so rotund. Hahaha!

I've discovered over the years that the setting in which you eat is just as important as the food you're eating.

So, here's the latest on us:

Started: 327
End Phase 1: 332
Today: 325
Total: -2

Total: -3

Yae us!

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