
Loading Day 2

It was difficult to sleep last night. I suspect it's because of all the added vitamins in the evening. Tonight, I'll try taking them a little closer to 4 or 5, I think, because taking them at 7:30 doesn't wear off until nearly 1 in the morning.

When I awoke, I felt dread as I performed the long walk down the steps to the kitchen to start Loading Day 2. The thought of fatty foods makes me a little green, but the more I do now, the more comes off later. I'm actually doing what everyone says you should never do - forcing myself to eat! Thank goodness I have digestive enzymes! I never would've made it through yesterday if I hadn't.

Today, I'm going to take the digestive enzymes earilier in the day, take my PM vitamins earlier in the day, and add some roughage. Woman can not live on fat alone. Trust me.

So far, I'm off to a slow start on the fat intake - just two doughnuts. I'll have to step it up, but there's gotta be a better way than macadamia nuts!

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