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Two days in, down 6.7#!

The first week on VLCD is always the best week, in my opinion. I wish we could just do a week or 10 days of VLCD (just until the releases slow to those partial pounds) and then go off into P3! :) For now, though, I get to celebrate BIG numbers.

Day 1: -3.4#
Day 2: -3.3#

Tough to beat numbers like those. I had a real headache on Day 1 this time around. That was pretty unusual for me. I FreXed the headache away, mostly, though did "cheat" and have 4 cranberry powder pills. Cranberry powder is great for reducing inflammation & I use it during my cycle to get rid of bloating, headaches, and cramps. Works brilliantly!

Day 2 & today, I'm experiencing a slightly upset tummy (not hungry, but a little nauseated). That's new for me, too. So, I decided I'd just break down and have a cup of baking soda water (1t baking soda in 1/4c water). It balances the pH in the stomach, so it works *every* time.

I'm off to the symphony today!

Happy Less of Us!

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