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News of the day

So, after the 8 day plateau, I decided to whine about it to the nutritionalist who is helping me, Tami. She said that first, I should muscle test to see how many drops my body indicates I should be taking. I did that and got the number 48. I was taking just 30 drops - 10 drops 3x a day. So, I need to up the dose!

Incidentally, I have to tell on myself. Yesterday, I cheated. It wasn't a big cheat, but it was a cheat. I ate an extra Grissini. But, I did stay under the 500 calories anyway! And, more importantly, I DID NOT eat the chocolate that I craved so badly I nearly couldn't stand it.

Anyway, upping the dose meant that I needed to get more, since I'd be running out pretty rapidly. So, off to Hood River, and picked up some more. Whew! I started the increased dose today, so I'm seriously keeping my fingers crossed for an actual weight loss on the scale. I can feel it all over my jeans, but I want to SEE it and be able to count the pounds down, too. I've been stuck at 309.4#s now for 8 days. It's time for that to move down and the fat to melt, not just be moved around in a reshaping.

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